2021 Post Disclosure

The Canadian Cabal, Pedophilia, Murder and Treason

(18,754 words)

Protest in Ottawa

Dating back to 3000BC the Cabal has been involved in strange sexual practices. There is evidence that Pierre Trudeau was a communist and a pedophile.

Right Edition

History Lesson Deleted 

Pierre Trudeau was a Communist


Trudeau had an unhappy childhood, as a man of the people should. True, he did like being driven to school in a Rolls Royce. He was glad his father was a millionaire. Money came in so handy. But he became unhappy because so many other fathers were not millionaires. He decided to become “socially conscious.”

Pierre Trudeau is now about fifty-one years old. As with so much else about him, his exact age is a mystery. In 1939, Hitler and his ally Stalin signed their Non-Aggression Pact, started World War II and divided Poland between them. And Lucky Pierre apparently became two years younger – less vulnerable to the Canadian draft.

He opposed the war, he explained, because,

“Like most Quebecers, I was taught to keep away from imperialistic wars…”

In 1947, Trudeau was a student at the London School of Economics, founded by the Fabian Socialists to train Marxists and spread Marxism. Professor Harold Laski, then head of the Fabian Society, was publicly advocating violent revolution at the time.

Almost twenty years later, Trudeau, about to become Prime Minister, reflected on his training and told reporter Norman DePoe that Laski is,

“the most stimulating and powerful influence he has encountered.”

He met his idol, Mao Tse-tung. He collaborated on a book called Two Innocents In Red China. (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1968.)

Trudeau describes his meeting with the Communist leaders like this:

“…It is a stirring moment: these greybeards, in their ripe old age, embody today the triumph of an idea, an idea that has turned the whole world upside down and profoundly changed the course of human history.”

Of the greybeard who has murdered more than 30 million Chinese, Trudeau says:

“…Mao Tse-tung, one of the great men of the century, has a powerful head, an unlined face, and a look of wisdom tinged with melancholy. The eyes in that tranquil face are heavy with having seen too much of the misery of men.”

You don’t believe he said it. I know. Neither did I. Get the book. Notice that the typical Trudeau sarcasm and condescension are gone. Now the Lord Protector of the Realm fawns and scrapes.

Indeed, says Trudeau:

“Everyone knows that the Communists summarily rushed to the gallows or to jail many of the great landed proprietors. It was the genius of Mao Tse-tung to realize the extent to which his revolution must depend on the peasants, and he mercilessly suppressed the class that inspired in these peasants awe, respect, and submissiveness towards outworn traditions.”

This you still may not believe, even if you read the book yourself. Here, Trudeau not only justifies Mao Tse-tung’s mass murders – he applauds them. They are good, he says. They are necessary. They prove Mao’s genius.

Lucky Pierre loves to travel. He was in Ghana when Communist Kwame Nkrumah took control. We don’t know why. Pierre won’t say. He was in Algeria when Communist Ahmed Ben Bella took over. We don’t know why. Pierre won’t say. Early in 1961, at about the time of the Bay of Pigs, the U.S. Coast Guard picked him up.

Pierre was paddling a canoe to Cuba from Key West. We don’t know why. Pierre won’t say. The Coast Guard deported Pierre to Canada, but he did get to Cuba in 1964, after all. He doesn’t say what happened there. Neither does Fidel.

“When a question is tough or Mr. Trudeau wishes to avoid it, he goes into an elaborate performance,” writes Peter Worthington.

“His hands start gesturing, the shoulders wriggle, the eyebrows squirm, the mouth puckers and after some groping for appropriate words Mr. Trudeau invariably says something that is often irrelevant, usually amusing and always evasive. His listeners laugh or giggle as is their individual wont, and the moment is past. Next question.”

By 1962, traditionalist Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis was dead, and Trudeau finally became a professor at the University of Montreal, overcoming the usual protests. He went right to work turning out Fidelistas. Indeed, the school is now teeming with them. Apparently he admires Castro as much as Mao.

And in 1963, he campaigned vigorously with the Marxist New Democratic Party against the Liberals, who roughly correspond to the Democrats in the States. Trudeau called the Liberals “idiots” because they had decided to use nuclear weapons for defense. The Liberals, he said, were “a spineless herd.”

So much for Trudeau’s biography. What about his ideas? What’s behind his policies?

Thoughts Of Chairman Trudeau

“…The drive towards power must begin with the establishment of bridgeheads,” says Trudeau (Federalism And The French Canadians, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1968),” since at the outset it is obviously easier to convert specific groups or localities than to win over an absolute majority of the whole nation.”

So Trudeau isn’t simply trying to govern Canada. He isn’t just trying to protect the realm, as he should. What he is really doing is using his powerful position as a weapon.

What he really wants, like his idol, Mao Tse-tung, is power.

Indeed, says Trudeau,

“the experience of that superb strategist Mao Tse-tung might lead us to conclude that in a vast and heterogeneous country, the possibility of establishing socialist strongholds in certain regions is the very best thing…”

It’s unnecessary and infeasible to establish Socialism all at once he says.

In a big country like China, or like Canada, the best way to impose Socialism is to manipulate group after group and seize region after region. He says,

“Federalism must be welcomed as a valuable tool which permits dynamic parties to plant socialist governments in certain provinces, from which the seed of radicalism can slowly spread.”

Notice the crucially important fact that Trudeau’s famous opposition to separatism isn’t based, like Lincoln’s, on a desire to keep his country together. Federalism for Trudeau is like everything else a tool – with which to impose Communism on Canada.

Socialism in one province will seep into another, he says. But if the separatists are successful – if a Socialist province becomes a foreign country – then that seepage is made more difficult.

On the other hand, without the degree of provincial autonomy federalism allows, Trudeau says, he would be faced with the difficult task of imposing Socialism at once. Federalism allows it to be done province by province. That is why he wants just enough autonomy – but not too much. What about specific tactics?

Trudeau explains that,

“in terms of political tactics, the only real question democratic socialists must answer is, ‘Just how much reform can the majority of the people be brought to desire at the present time?’ ”People are “brought” to desire what Pierre wants. They are manipulated.

The Socialism is slyly slipped over on them.

You won’t find any of these facts on wikipedia. So wikipedia is obviously just another Cabal controlled source of misinformation. And don’t think that Google Chrome browser will give you all the facts about a topic. It censors info the controllers don’t want you to see. I used DuckDuckGo to get this information.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a Pedophile

In her book, TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA (1995) MK-ULTRA survivor Cathy O’Brien stated that many world leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, are pedophiles. She met them in the course of her life as a sex slave trained (with her young daughter) to service high-profile politicians. Other sources support Cathy O’Brien’s allegations.

Here’s O’Brien’s statements about Pierre Elliot Trudeau. 

The mind controlled part of me that was prostituted there perceived Mackinac as another dimension, the timelessness of which was enhanced by the island’s antiquated styling. Automobiles were forbidden on the tiny island, which relied on horse drawn buggies or bicycles for transportation. Once when Lee Iaccoca was attending a cocktail party at then Governor Romney’s Mansion, I overheard him comment, “What better place for auto execs to get away from it all than on an island with no cars?”

Mackinac Island, due to its geographic location, provided an air of friendliness between the U.S. and Canada that formed my childish perception that our countries knew no boundaries. This political view was further enhanced by my father always taking the family to Niagra Falls where my mind was to be symbolically “washed of all memory” of what had occurred in Mackinac. Niagra Falls’ numerous, powerful waterfalls were in reasonably close proximity to Mackinac Island, and shared the border between the U.S. and Canada.
When Pierre Trudeau was elected Prime Minister of Canada in 1968, I often heard it said, “Pierre Trudeau is one of Ours, you know.” I first heard this phrase cryptically referring to Trudeau’s loyalty to the Vatican when Father Don was discussing him with my father one Sunday after mass. This fact circulated quickly among those I knew who were involved in the Catholic/Jesuit aspect of Project Monarch.
The summer after Trudeau was elected, my father took the family to Mackinac Island as usual. Climbing on a large statue on the grounds of the Governor’s Mansion, I could see across the field to the Grand Hotel. I noticed Canadian flags flying amongst the American flags that lined the front of the old hotel. As I slid down off the statue, Guy VanderJagt approached with a drink and a cigarette in his hand. Patting my hair into place he said, “Straighten your shirt, I’ve got someone important for you to meet.”
“I knew someone important was here because of those flags,” I said, tucking my shirt in my pink shorts.
“When I was at the Vatican,” VanderJagt began, “I was told that Prime Minister Trudeau is a friend of the Pope. He thinks like one of us. A true Catholic. He likes Cathy-licks.”
VanderJagt led me upstairs in the mansion, where Pierre Trudeau was lowering the window shades in a dimly lit bedroom crowded with antiques. VanderJagt closed the door behind me. Trudeau’s tuxedo coat was neatly draped over a chair, which left him in his formal pants, white shirt, and a bright red cummerbund which caught my eye. “I like your sash,” I said.
“Hasn’t anyone taught you Silence yet?” His somber, gruff attitude was softened by his smooth, silky voice.
Triggered into the part of me that endured the Rite to Remain Silent, I assumed Trudeau knew all about interdimensions according to my deliberately formed perceptions. I could not/did not understand that interdimensions actually equated to the inner-dimensions of my own compartmentalized mind. Likewise, I did not understand that “Keys to the Kingdom” referred to knowing the codes, keys, and triggers to my controlled mind. “Guy said you like Cathy- licks,” I said, repeating what VanderJagt had told me. “Are you the Keeper of the Keys?”
Trudeau seemingly bore his cold, dark eyes right through me. “You can learn more from the school of thought than you can by asking precocious questions. Haven’t you learned that children are to be seen and not heard?”
“Is that a precocious question?” I asked. “What is a precocious question?”
Trudeau sighed with impatience. “That is irrelevant. What matters is that you shut your mouth, still your mind, and enter the school of thought. Silence is a virtue. Listen to the silence in the stillness of your mind. Go deep inside your mind,” he slowly led. “Deeper and deeper where it’s quiet and still…”
Trudeau expertly manipulated my mind with sophisticated hypnotic language. Not only did he enlist my Silence for the pedophile perversions he indulged in, but he instructed my “school of thought” in a manner that equated to programming. He laid a foundation for Air-Water programs that is a mirrordimensional theme often used by NASA and others involved in Project Monarch. Playing off his own name “Pee-Air,” he added a perverse twist to the theme that he accessed each time I was prostituted to him.
Had I been capable of fear, I would have been afraid of Pierre Trudeau. Trudeau’s slow, deliberate movements masked the brutal power of his body much the way his smooth, soft voice pierced my mind and intruded on my thoughts. The icey cold touch of his effeminate, manicured long fingers contrasted with the heat of his perversion… a perversion for which he blamed me and my “temptuous, contemptuous ways”.
In my childish ignorance, I believed Trudeau’s demeanor and forward combed hair were characteristic of his French descent. “I know all about the French,” I had bragged to my new “Grandpa” Van while visiting his home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

O’Brien, Cathy. TRANCE Formation of America: True life story of a mind control slave (pp. 133-135). Reality Marketing. Kindle Edition.

Cathy O’Brien was born on December 4, 1957. So she was only eight years old when she was abused by Pierre Trudeau. 

I have more unpleasant truths for you. If you don’t want to see them you should change lines now and leave this post.

In 1974 without the approval of parliament Pierre Trudeau made a deal to borrow money from the international banksters.

By 2018 Canada had paid over one trillion dollars in interest on this debt, more than twice the amount of the debt. My opinion is that Canadians are not liable for this debt since neither they or their elected representatives agreed to this reckless act.

Central Banks declare war on the 99%.mp4 Ziggy

Justin Trudeau also has a horrible economic track record.

Justin Trudeau: Mind-Controlled Illuminati Poster Child?

September 22, 2019

Justin Trudeau’s visceral hatred of males ( re. he says it’s peoplekind, not mankind) and Canada’s European heritage has made him an international laughing stock. His blackfaced history seals the deal. Many now question his mental stability.

Are these the symptoms of having been a victim of MK-Ultra mind control and pedophilia?  

Our political leaders all belong to the Illuminati satanic cult that sexually exploit and trauma to brainwash their children.

Are the effects of this traumatic childhood now playing out? 

In his father’s eulogy, Justin Trudeau seems to allude to MK-Ultra pedophilia and mind control. 

Over the years, insiders have told me that Pierre’s 1968 marriage to Margaret was “arranged” by the military. The couple was programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.

(With George Soros. Justin is an errand boy for the Communist wing of the Illuminati conspiracy. Opposition leader Andrew Scheer is an errand boy for the Zionist wing.) 

According to Trudeau’s Jesuit mentor, Trudeau ordered the kidnap and murder of his enemy Pierre Laporte in October 1970, because Laporte was threatening him with blackmail and exposure as a pedophile.

After Margaret ran off with the Rolling Stones in 1977, the marriage was over. Soon after, as a single father, Pierre turned to a York University sociologist, John Seeley, for parental advice

John Seeley, a self-proclaimed ‘sadist and pedophile’ would fly up to Ottawa on weekends to “advise” Pierre on how he should be raising his three sons. Justin was six. (See also this article.) 

Quite a childhood. First the trauma of being separated from the mother he adored, then frequent exposure to his father’s unsavory friends.

Children often idealize their abusive parents. During his eulogy at Pierre’s funeral, a smiling 28-year-old Justin seemed dissociated, almost giddy. He began the eulogy with a weird story about a trip he took at age six, with his father and grandfather “to the North Pole,” to a “military installation” at Alert NWT.

(My comments. Actually he began the eulogy with the first line of the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespear. Let’s look at the lines Justin didn’t say but was alluding to.)

“Friends, Romans, Countrymen” is how he began the eulogy. These are the lines that follow in the play.
“I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him;
The evil that men do lives after them,
The good is oft interred with their bones,
So let it be with Caesar … The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answered it …”

So Justin is saying in a cryptic way that his father’s greatest fault was ambition and he has come to bury him, not to praise him. “The evil that men do that lives after them” refers to Justin himself and how he was made evil by Pierre’s raping him as a child.    

Back to Mackow’s article.

There the awe-struck boy discovered Santa Claus and “that’s when I understood just how powerful and wonderful my father was.” 

Carolyn Hamlett, a victim of Illuminati mind control and pedophilia, said these abuses took place at  military installations. 

Is Justin referring to MK-Ultra brainwashing? In general, the eulogy rings insincere and hollow.  There is no trace of love or grief. His father had little time for his children.

A few years ago, I was shown a 1984 letter signed by Pierre Elliot Trudeau expressing enthusiastic interest in meeting a ten-year-old boy. The letter may have been used in a blackmail attempt by the boy’s father.

If Pierre Trudeau was abusing their children, Margaret’s history of bipolar illness takes on a whole different cast.

Common Ground by Justin Trudeau

Reviewed by Ann Diamond

Common Ground is all about the heir to the Trudeau throne.

The book is persuasive and well put together, probably with help from a seasoned journalist. It flows like slick PR, but has much-unhealed trauma in the margins. Posing as saviours, Trudeaus and Sinclairs may be well-paid agents of national decline, but their story is emblematic and unavoidable.

Here and there, a reader encounters tragedy almost worthy of a Russian novel. Certain passages actually moved me to tears: his parents’ divorce and the loss of his brother. His love for his mother, who skidded into depression while partying with rock stars and royals.

As for the politics – you’re not really interested in Liberal rhetoric, are you? Young Trudeau manfully appeals to Liberal platitudes: tolerance, openness to cultural differences, gender equality, all of which sound good after the Harper Decade.

There are odd references suggesting the author has rubbed shoulders with elite perverts. Prince Andrew and the Starlight Foundation. Jacques Hebert and Katimavik. West Point Grey Academy and his roommate Christopher Ingvaldson, convicted of possessing child porn. 

All in all, Justin’s very likable, although Post Traumatic Stress glimmers from his eyes. In Common Ground, he reminds us that everyone has a story to tell.  Justin could have flown away like Le Petit Prince, but instead is doing his utmost to move back to the scene of his childhood trauma: the cold, drafty mausoleum called “24 Sussex Drive.” 

Related- Pedophilia-The Fish Rots from the Head. This satanic cult controls society. 

The Trudeau Foundation Revealed Margaret Trudeau says she dreads ‘bullying’ attack ads against son Justin (Is Justin a Manchurian Candidate?)

New First Comment from D (an insider):

While in university, friends from West Vancouver knew Margaret Sinclair and her family. I was told by Margaret’s friends, some years after the event, that very early in her marriage to Pierre Trudeau, while living in the Prime Ministerial home in Ottawa, she had arranged to be away for a weekend, but something unexpectedly came up, and she returned home to walk in on a full-blown orgy, replete with little boys and at least one goat. Let your imagination run wild, for apparently everything imaginable was well underway. In shock, she was promptly ushered away by Trudeau, and was soon at the Allen Memorial Hospital, in the care of Ewan Cameron, who made certain she had a well managed “breakdown”.  This is what is behind the nervous breakdown she supposedly had, which was dutifully “handled” by the press for public miscomprehension. Yes, Trudeau was a satanic pedophile who was recruited early on in his life to serve Luciferian intent. By the way, he met and became a good friend of Fidel Castro before his election as Canadian P.M. They met at a communist training camp in Algeria in 1948. Castro, when meeting Justin at the age of just a few months, is on record as saying, “It’s a pleasure to be in the presence of the future Prime Minister of Canada.” Yes, absolutely, Justin was subjected to whatever conditioning was needed to create this Manchurian Candidate who is currently performing his long ago programmed role to advance the satanic agenda.

Anon wrote:

Your information about Pierre Trudeau

“According to Trudeau’s Jesuit mentor, Trudeau ordered the kidnap and murder of his enemy Pierre Laporte in October 1970, because Laporte was threatening him with blackmail and exposure as a pedophile.”

This exceedingly important and makes huge sense according to Jack English see who has advised me, today, as follows:

Trudeau was a pedophile and Paul Hellyer was informed of this by Patrick Walsh who was Trudeau’s RCMP bodyguard as I recall…Hellyer and Walsh were so shocked by the discovery that Trudeau was a Satanic Pedophile that they convened a meeting at Hellyer’s Resort to discuss removing Trudeau from office, but for reasons unknown, it did not proceed. It would be good to be able to discuss this with Paul and set the historical record straight.

My friends in the Canadian military have previously corroborated the reports from Mr. English and the information you have posted on your web site.

We have published important information about Mr. Trudeau at the Water War Crimes web site including

1.  That he sent his wife Margaret to the MK Ultra Brainwashing Hospital – The Allen Memorial Hospital in Montreal when she had her nervous breakdown.

(India trip. An embarrassment to all Canadians and well as hosts.)

2.  That Margaret was treated by Dr. Pivnicki the father of Brian Mulroney’s wife Mila.  This was no coincidence.

3.  That his son Michel was in a near-fatal accident, probably a targeted hit, in Brandon Manitoba six months before he was killed on Friday the 13th in a suspicious avalanche in November 1998 a month when avalanches are very rare.

4. That Trudeau was part of the plan to loot Canada’s water export revenues.—the-northern-magus—develops-the-art-of-resource-takeover-and-personal-enrichment.html

Thank you for your tireless efforts in bringing these matters to light.

Since it’s very possible that Justin Trudeau is a Mind-Controlled Illuminati Poster Child this song is totally appropriate.

Song by Jordan B Peterson: Wake Up

1,620,554 views    Feb 19, 2022

Wake Up: Dedicated, under the current unfortunate conditions,  to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honorable Justin Trudeau.  

Is Fidel Castro Justin Trudeau’s father? Take a look at these photos and decide for yourself.

To help you make up your mind here’s some facts. Pierre Trudeau was 5’8″ Margaret Trudeau 5’6″ Fidel Castro 6’3″ and Justin Trudeau is 6′ 2″

Trudeau’s Pedophile Connections

If you do this you will get your ass kicked.

What about this pedo symbol that the Pierrie Eliott Trudeau Foundation used?

The FBI has revealed the meaning of these pedo symbols.

Where have we seen this symbol before?

These pedo references are even more obvious.

This should come as no suprise.

On this subject, what are the other pedo symbols?

The so called girlover logo is a heart within a heart.
Pedos who don’ have a gender preference use this symbol.
This is the Childlove Online Media Activism logo which pedos use to promote the decriminalization of relationships between adults and minors.

Let’s take a break and listen to this brilliant song.

This Just In” by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2022

Justin Trudeau and Christa Freeland are real close to George Soros the billionaire, who funds BLM, ANTIFA and NAMBLA.

Soros funds Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA...

(Screen shots from “The Fall of the Cabal” )

To create…

But Americans all follow #QAnon so they are too smart to fall for these ploys.
Too bad George, these people are stepping out of their roles just because you didn’t pay them.

Remember how CNN reported this story?

A caravan of migrants is nearing Mexico’s border. Will authorities turn them back?

By Catherine E. Shoichet CNN Updated 12:13 pm EDT

October 19, 2018

Thousands of migrants are about to arrive at Mexico’s doorstep. And US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is meeting with officials in Mexico’s capital to discuss the situation.

The Honduran migrants, trekking in a caravan toward Mexico’s southern border, say they’re heading for the United States – fleeing violence and searching for economic opportunity.

Pompeo, meanwhile, is heading into meetings in Mexico City with a message for leaders there about the massive caravan of migrants: Stop them before they reach the US border.

The key questions: Will Mexico let the migrants in? And what will happen if they do?

But wait a minute.

This person walked 1500 miles barefoot?
Kids brought their new toys?
Flip flops?
Nice haircuts and lipstick?
And cell phones?
This poor refugee had polished nails?
And they got paid?
Posing for a group photo?
OMG Tears gas is used on the refugees!
But it doesn’t effect this dog?
Oh, they traveled on flat bed trucks!?
Or an air conditioned bus!?

Now I get it. This is the Great Honduran Hoax, a Sicko Soros production with a cast of thousands and complete cooperation from CNN.

George Soros has donated millions to NAMBLA. The north american man/boy love assocation.

Soros openly supports pedophilia.

Sodomy after the age of eight doesn’t cause as much psychological damage to a child so he may not suffer dissociation and become a pedophile himself.

A nexus is trying to alter political realities the world over. One name is imprinted on the narrative it’s trying to build. On Gravitas Plus, WION’s Palki Sharma Upadhyay brings you the story of George Soros.

A book by C.W. Leadbeater reveals a Freemason ceremony that involves naked boys.

Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

25 JUL 2021

Pedophilia And Freemasonry

The long-established fraternal organization of Freemasonry dates back centuries and today’s Freemasons are comprised of a diverse membership of bankers, lawyers, judges, politicians and gang members.

But what are the Freemasons really about? Edifying Others does a deep dive into what many call a cult and discovered that masonic equals satanic and pure evil. The book, The Hidden Life in Freemasonry, by C.W. Leadbeater, himself a 33-degree freemason, was written in 1926 for people involved in Luceferian rituals in the higher more occult rites of freemasonry.

In a shocking reveal, Edifying Others hones in on a drawing in the book titled “Second Portal,” which is described as a magic ritual under the guise of Freemasonry, but is actually a disgusting satanic ceremony involving nude boys. Says the narrator, “This is wicked and evil. Here, you are literally seeing pedophilic-type rituals going on in Freemasonry and they’re admitting it.” Here’s more analysis from Edifying Others.

There is a 20 minute video that goes into more detail about this drawing at Call Me Stormy

Breaking News! J.P. Sears confesses to be part of the Illuminate!

Illuminati Confessions – Ultra Spiritual Life episode 85

So much for the Cabal and pedophia. Before I discuss three murders they commited in Canada let’s take another look at the character and vows of Freemason organization.

Freemasons Promote Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse and Many of them hold positions in Police, Fire Departments, Politics and “Security” Agencies


(Words in bold indicate my emphasis)

Since Freemasonry has attempted so strenuously to claim that they are just a “good ole boy” fraternity that does good works and has a good time, most people will be shocked to learn the bitter truth behind that facade.  Freemasonry certainly isn’t “free.” It could cost you your soul… The secret goal of Masonry is to subjugate the world for Masonry, and be like God. This subjugation via behind the scene secret means is openly announced within the motto of the 33 degree Scottish Rite, which is “Ordo Ab Chao”or Order From Chaos.

They string you along, just to finally tell you that there is no God; and you are a god, because you follow their teachings, which are:

Relax. Be greedy. Be selfish – if these help you get ahead. Win at any cost.

Enjoy your expensive Freemason diamond ring and other symbols, pay your hefty dues on time, and follow the Masonic – path. And you too will be successful – because there is no Hell, and no higher authority other than Lucifer; who is misunderstood.

This is what the Freemason Manly P. Hall, who Masons highly regard as a modern day Masonic philosopher revealed about Masonry’s deception:
“Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity – an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. …it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of ‘free and accepted’ men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcanorum (secret or mystery). In each generation only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the work.
Reference: Excellent Book ‘brotherhood of darkness’ by Dr Stanley Monteith – page 74

In his book Masonry “Beyond the Light”, William Schnoebelen (now a saved Christian) talks about his experiences as first a Satanist and then a Mason who passed through nearly all the Mason Degrees, including some that American Masons are unaware of; such as degrees in Masonry like the Egyptian rites of Masonry and the Paladin.

During his initiation into Palladium Masonry William sadly admits to standing with Masons, some who were also Satanists and chanting; “Glory and Love for Lucifer! Hatred! Hatred! Hatred! to God accursed! accursed! accursed!”. He says that hashish provides some of their ‘illumination’, taking after the 1st ‘Illuminati’ 18th century Mason Adam Weishaupt.

During the Palladium ‘program’ William tells how Masons promised to surrender themselves body and soul to Lucifer usually for 7 years and Lucifer promised to grant them all their worldly desires.

William says that as this degree progressed they had conversations with the dead and then went on to ‘marrying’ the dead when The demons ultimately possessed them entirely to a point that “there is no longer anyone home” in the host body. William says he experienced being linked mentally into a “vast spider web” of communication as part of an invisible army of slaves almost totally dependent on Satan…

One of the Conductors then handed the ‘candidate’ a human skull, upside down, with wine in it. “May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me, as the Hemlock juice drunk by Socrates, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the same” (the oath).
As I had done so many times before, I said, “We meet this day to commemorate the death of our ‘Most Wise and Perfect Master,’ not as inspired or divine, for this is not for us to decide, but as at least the greatest of the apostles of mankind.”
As I spoke these words that I had spoken so many times before, I had a strange and powerful experience. It was as if I were standing apart, listening to myself as I spoke, and the words echoed deep within me, shouting their significance.

This a symptom of dissociation identity disorder. More about this later.

They were the same words I had spoken so many times before, but had meaning for me now. They made me sick, literally ill, and I stopped…

Masons believe that this ‘new age’ or ‘new world order’ will come out of chaos. Is ‘Chaos’ beginning now?

“Freemasonry is deceptive and fraudulent…Its promise is light—its performance is darkness.” President John Quincy Adams.

Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong—essentially wrong—a seed of evil which can never produce any good.-President John Quincy Adams

You will observe that in this oath the candidate also swears, that “a Master Mason’s secrets given to me in charge as such,” * * “shall remain as secure and inviolate in my breast as in his own, murder and treason, not exempted and they left to my own election.” Now, this section of the oath is very broad, and may be understood to cover secrets of every description. But to put it beyond all doubt whether crimes are to be kept secret, murder and treason are not exempted, showing that the oath has respect particularly to concealing the crimes of a Master Mason. He may commit Theft, Robbery, Arson, Adultery, Rape, or any crime whatever, Murder and Treason not exempted, and however well the commission of these crimes may be known to a Master Mason, if a Master Mason has committed them, he is under oath to conceal them…

They also support the breakdown of religion through the use of media that is pro-immorality, pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-pornography, and pro-population control.  

Masons practice the virtues of brotherly love, forgiveness, and charity–on the surface.  They do this as a ploy, to make their satanic religion appear acceptable and sugar coated — to the community. 

When a freemason is first initiated into the Third Degree he is struck on the forehead in the dark.  Next, he falls back either into a coffin or onto a coffin shape design. Then his fellow masons lift him up When he opens his eyes he is confronted with a human skull and crossed bones. This initiation places this man both into the cult and under a curse, both literally and metaphorically; unbeknownst to him.

Aleister Crowley was a 33 Degree Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Masonic Scottish Rite

A study in contradictions, Crowley was a pioneering mountain climber, a pioneering homoerotic poet, a pioneering ritual magician, a heroin addict, a sleazy womanizer, a closet homosexual, a vocal feminist, a racist, a German collaborator, a British secret agent, a civil rights advocate, a talented amateur artist, a legitimately profound mystic and an infuriating charlatan.  Some claim that Crowley was a 33 Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Scottish Rite and also held the 95 of the Rite of Memphis and the 90 of the Rite of Mizraim. Crowley had been given the title by the Media of “the wickedest man alive”. It can be documented that Crowley partook of and taught drug induced rituals that included perverted sexual acts, homosexuality, bestiality, and the eating of bodily emissions and excrement. Crowley who advocated blood sacrifice earned his other title “The Father of Modern Satanism”. Crowley also founded an anti-Christ religion called Thelema. Crowley, was a master Satanist of the 20th century. He advocated child sacrifice in one his published work Magick in Theory and Practice. He used children in perverted sexual rituals, and held several Masonic titles including the highest (33°) in the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and the second highest (96°) in the Ancient and Primitive Rite. Occultists, Wiccans and Satanist are to be found at all levels of Masonry. But the Masonic levels of the Illuminati, the Ancient rites and the Supreme Council are especially likely to have them.

These are some of the actual oaths a Mason must take: In the first degree of the Blue Lodge, “Binding myself under no less a penalty, than having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out from its roots and buried in the rough sands of the sea…” In the second degree, “Binding myself under no less a penalty, than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out and given as prey to the wild beasts of the field and the foul of the air…” In the third degree (Master Mason Degree), “Binding myself under no less a penalty, than that of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken from thence and burned into ashes…”

Royal Arch degree is the 13th.
The Royal Arch Degrees is where the candidate suffers a severe shock for the candidate must swear to the following: The candidate must swear to keep the secrets of a fellow Mason murder and treason not exempted.“   With his hand on the Bible, the candidate for the Royal Arch Degrees must swear the following: “I will aid and assist a companion Royal Arch Mason when engaged in any difficulty, and espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, if within my power, whether he be right or wrong.” He then goes on and swears: “To keep in my heart all the secrets that shall be revealed to me. And in my failure if this my oath, I consent to have my body opened perpendicularly, and to be exposed for eight hours in the open air that the venomous flies may eat out my intestines…and I will always be ready to inflict the same punishment on those who shall disclose this degree or break this oath. So may God help and maintain me. Amen.”

Why would Freemasonry require its members to swear “to keep the secrets of a fellow Mason, murder and treason not exempted?”

Because the author of this vow knew damn well that Masons engaged in murder and treason on a regular basis. So why isn’t Freemasonry banned in every country to protect its sovereignty? That’s because the government of every county is made up of mostly Freemasons. There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 194 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine. All members of the UN. Interesting but hardly surprising. So how many have banned Freemasonry? Only three, Italy, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Albert Pike

Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!” [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff.

Albert Pike also was one of the most physically and morally repulsive individuals in American history.

Weighing well over three hundred pounds, his sexual proclivity was to sit naked astride a phallic throne in the woods, accompanied by a gang of prostitutes. To these orgies he would bring one or more wagonloads of food and liquor, most of which he would consume over a period of two days until he passed into a stupor.  In his adopted state of Arkansas, Pike was well known as a practitioner of Satanism. Portraits in his later years show him wearing a symbol of the Baphomet around his neck. Pike, however, did not believe the Baphomet was Satan. In Morals and Dogma he explains that this symbol was misunderstood by those who were not adepts”; that it was “invented ages before, to conceal what it was [too] dangerous to avow.”

The Palladian Rite provides an intensified hands-on course in “fleshly glove” demon possession leading to walking/talking possession of human initiates by Lucifer-associated spirits, demons.  Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Masonic Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737.  Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic lodges.

Satanist leader Anton LaVey declares “Satanic ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements” and that Masonry contains “numerous manifestations of Satanism, namely the goat, the coffin, the death’s-head.”


In the Masonic Lodge everything is symbolic of something else. The name “Lucifer” means “Light Bearer” or “Light Bringer”.  Masons point out that the MORNING STAR is Lucifer.  When Masons speak of the “light of Masonry”, they actually refer to Lucifer bringing forth the light.    During the lecture for the 32nd degree, Masons are told that the triliteral name for god is composed of three Hindu gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. Siva is a synonym for Satan! Lucifer is honored and revered by Masons as the TRUE GOD!

For a Mason the name of God is BAAL

Regarding the identity of God, in Scottish Rite Masonry, the 13th degree is that of the Royal Arch.  In it, the alleged true, previously hidden name of God is revealed as Jabulum.  “The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry,” page 359, affirms this, under the entry for Jabulum, yet does not give the meaning.  But in the same book on page 102, in the definition of Bel, the meaning is given.  It says, “Bel is the contracted form of . . . Baal, and was worshipped by the Babylonians as their chief deity . . . It has, with Jah and Oh, been introduced into the Royal Arch system as a representative of the” name of God.  Jah represents the name Jehovah, Bel represents Baal, and Oh represents Osiris.

The Illuminati are the top echelon of a vast network of organizations which make up a Secret Brotherhood covering the globe. Within this network are found 6 major divisions: Banking & Money, Secret Societies, Political, Intelligence, Religions, and Education. The Secret Societies encompass the elite Prieuré de Sion, the Rosicrucians, the Orders of Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, the Grand Orient Lodge, the Grand Alpina Lodge, the Knights Templar, the Royal Order of the Garter.

Freemasonry ‘controls’ around six million members worldwide the majority being in the USA.

Freemasonry is the UK’s largest secular, fraternal and charitable organization, and the United Grand Lodge of England has over 300,000 members working in nearly 8,000 Lodges throughout England and Wales and more than 30,000 members overseas.

These are the names of Freemason spin-offs for women. The Order of the Eastern Star (OES),The Order of the Amaranth, The White Shrine of Jerusalem,The Social Order of the Beauceant.The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF) which is now known as Freemasonry for Women is a fraternity for women and organised by women. It was founded in 1913. Since these organizations are smaller and less influential I’m not going to research their belief, rites or vows.

It’s obvious that the Masonic initiation rituals a candidate must participate in and the oaths he must say are designed to traumatize his psyche

When soul fragmentation takes place a person develops alters and opens himself up to demon possession. A candidate for a higher degree is not permitted to read the oath that he will take before the ceremony. He is ushered blind folded into a room where he hears numerous voices around him and realizes that he is in a vunerable position. Then the master mason says “repeat after me…” and starts uttering one of the horrible oaths. I doubt if any candidates tear off the blindfold and shout, “I’m not going to agree to that garbage!” In other words, from the onset he is tricked into saying an oath that he would never accept if he had read it alone in the safely of his home.

The Freemasons/Illuminati are very concerned with bloodlines. They like to intermarry to keep the wealth and their DNA in the family. This article reveals Justin Trudeau’s bloodline.

Civilian Intelligence

Trudeau, BLM, the Muslim Brotherhood & the Illuminati: #DownfallOfAmerica

 10/06/2020  JONSNOW007


The social engineering of the masses has gone full-throttle during this pandemic. Right now there is a war taking place where the weaponry being employed against us is the manipulation of our minds through fear-mongering, divisive rhetoric, and emotionally-charged propaganda. To weaken us as a nation, they are erasing our national identity, our patriotic allegiance to the true north, and our faith and compassion in humanity. We are all brothers and sisters under God. Their tactics will not only threaten our civil liberties but also bring chaos and disorder into our lives and our communities, allowing for the militarized state they want. And who are the perpetrators? Politicians, socialist organizations, celebrities, and the media are the puppets of the global elite, whose main goal is depopulation and the implementation of a New World Order.

History of the New World Order: The 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati

The Crown Council of 13 are the world’s richest and most powerful families, often referred to as the 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati (39). This corrupt and murderous cartel is composed of the Astors, the Bundys, the Collins family, the DuPonts, the Freemans, the Kennedys, the Lis, the Onassis family, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Russels, the Van Duyns and the Merovingians, whose lineage is described in detail in this article from the CIA government library called Bloodlines of the Illuminati (40).

Collectively they are also referred to as “The Black Nobility,” dominated by the British Crown and a group of 10,000 genetically related individuals of the Royal Houses of Europe from Italy to Germany to London. They belong to a secret order called the “Knights of Malta” which swears allegiance to the Pope, and they all have diplomatic immunity, allowing them to ship goods across borders without going through customs or paying duty (41).

They, along with their offspring and lackeys, are responsible for numerous secret societies, lodges, and organizations, backed by high finance (i.e. International Monetary Fund IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve) and powerful political communities, all working under the central command of the Rothschilds-funded Bavarian Illuminati (a secret society founded in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany) which binds them together through a Vatican-Jesuit establishment (42)(43)(44)(45).

The name is derived from their “dark souls” which have inflicted an evil reign of terror on the world, ruthlessly eliminating any and all who stand in their way (42)(46). To them we are all “useless eaters” to be culled like cattle, and the extermination is being directed and organized by the Club of Rome, the very same depopulation think tank Pierre Elliot Trudeau belonged to (47)(48)(49). This is your “white privilege”. And there are many prominent blacks in this groups also! Perhaps BLM would do well to focus on this organization instead?

The World Monarch: The 13th Bloodline

The 13th Illuminati Bloodline, or the Merovingian Bloodline, is where the World Monarch (Referred to as the Anti-Christ) will be chosen from. This bloodline believes that it has the Holy Blood of Jesus and the blood of Satan in its bloodline and that they are direct descendants of Jesus’s spiritual brother Lucifer (52). Because some of these bloodlines are genetically intertwined, the Rothschild Bloodline also has members who belong to this 13th Bloodline. British Royalty are tied to this bloodline as are many American political leaders (e.g. George Washington, John F. Kennedy, George Bush, Dan Quayle, Bill Clinton) (52)(53)(54).

 Members of the “Black Nobility” wearing the Maltese Cross (Knights of Malta) (55). Since the Knights Templar disbanded in 1312 the Maltese Cross (Knights of Malta) and the Bavarian Cross (Bavarian Knights) remain the leading symbols of nobility (56)(57).  (58)

   The Merovingian Bloodline leads the “Order of Zion,” which has the power to select who sits on the “Throne of Jerusalem”. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was established in 1099 after the First Crusaders overtook the city in an attempt to restore an heir to the Davidic Bloodline (59)(60)(61)(62)(63). The events that have unfolded in the 21st century are definitely a fight of good against evil and it appears that the dark overlords and their loyal minions are winning!

Merovingians also set up the Catholic military order called the “Knights Templar,” a wealthy and powerful fighting unit of the Crusades with special rights and privileges, allowing them to build their own oratories for private worship where they were only accountable to the Pope (64). The Knights Templar were the first to set up a prosperous network of banks and became the first International European Bankers (65)(66)(67).    

During the Crusades, it is said that the Knights Templars found the lost treasure of King Solomon containing the Holy Grail, the cup that Jesus drank from during his last supper. Historians believe it to be a cup, plate or stone with miraculous powers of eternal youth and great wealth (68). 

Justin Trudeau: The Sinclairs & The Knights Templar

A prominent family of the Merovingian Bloodline is the Sinclair Family (69)(70). The Sinclairs originally came from Normandy (France) to England with William the Conqueror in 1066 before settling in Scotland. The family dates back to the Viking Age and the first ruler of Normandy, Rollo (860-932) who was the great-great-great grandfather of William I of England and the 32nd great grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II (71). The Sinclair family history is closely connected with the crowns of France, England and Scotland (72).   

According to historians, the Sinclairs and their French relatives the St. Clairs, were instrumental in creating the Knights Templar and were themselves among the early members of this order (72). Henry Sinclair fought in the First Crusade in the Holy Land (1096-1099), where he met and fought alongside Hugues de Payens, a powerful broker of the First Crusade who had the political power to nominate the Pope and also helped to form the Knights Templar (73). 

By 1303, the Knights Templar had lost their hold on the Holy Land and established their base in Paris, France. In 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrest and mass execution of the Knights Templar. They were charged with heresy, homosexuality, financial corruption, black magic, devil-worshiping, fraud, spitting on the cross, and more. By 1312, Pope Clement V dissolved the Knights Templar’s in what many believe to be a power struggle for greed and control (74)(75)(76).

During the inquisition of the Knights Templar, trial documents revealed that they worshiped a bearded head referred to as “Baphomet” or “Mohammed”(77)(78). The name “Baphomet” also appeared in a July 1098 letter written by a crusader and there are reports the term “Bafomet” was used in reference to the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the mosques were called Bafumarias (79). This meant that the Knights Templar were in fact secret Muslims.

Baphomet is the deity that the Knights Templar worshiped and that subsequently was incorporated into occult and mystical traditions.

The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in 1307 (78).

Another Henry Sinclair (1255-1336), welcomed the Templar fleeing persecution and gave them sanctuary in Scotland. In return the Knights Templar assisted Robert the Bruce and his Scottish knights to achieve independence from England. To commemorate that victory in Scottish history Robert the Bruce and William Sinclair created the Brothers of the Rosy Cross (Rosicrucian); Scotland’s first Masonic Order with Robert the Bruce as its first Grand Master (80)(81). The Rosicrucian’s claim their order has been in existence since the days of the ancient Egyptians with secret teachings and occult symbols (e.g. the rose, the cross, the swastika, and the pyramid); its adepts or initiatives are called Illuminati (82).

In 1446, to honour the Knights Templar, Sir William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness, started the construction of Rosslyn Chapel. His son, the 2nd Earl spent most of his finances completing the construction on the Chapel in 1486, which was modelled on Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem (83)(84)(85)(86)(87). The Chapel is home to the mysterious order and was their way of protecting the secrets of the Knights Templar, the so-called guardians of the Holy Grail (88)(89)(90). It houses Templar imagery and crypts (91); the altar is held up by 8 serpents eating their own tails (Ourboros), an occult symbol associated with Alchemy, Gnosticism, and Hermatism, the core teachings of Masonry and the Illuminati (92)(93)(94)(95)(96). Sir William Sinclair is said to have introduced Enochian Magic to Scotland, which is the practice of Satanism within the Illuminati (97)(98). Freemasonry was founded later in 1736 by another Sir William Sinclair of Rosslyn, who became hereditary Grand Master Mason of Scotland (99).  

Here’s where it gets interesting: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s maternal grandfather is Liberal politician the Hon. James Sinclair (1908-1984), whose family lineage can be traced back to 1776 to Caithness, Scotland of the Clan Sinclair that held lands there (100)(101)(102)(103)(104)(105).

James Sinclair was born in Scotland and then immigrated to Vancouver, where he studied engineering at UBC and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship in 1928. The Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University was founded and administered by Lord Rothschild with funding bequeathed in the will of Cecil Rhodes (106)(107). Other notable recipients include: Bill Clinton, George Ignatieff, Canadian Prime Minister John Turner, and Chrystia Freeland (108). Many Rhodes Scholars have gone on to become some of the most powerful and influential people in the worlds of politics, science, medicine, business, media, academia, law, and the military, where they advocate and fund various globalist schemes and propaganda to undermine national sovereignty and promote a “One World Government” (109)(110).  

James Sinclair was elected to the House of Commons in 1940-1957 under Liberal Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. He also has strong ties to the Paul Desmarais family. In 1960, he served as president and chairman of Lafarge Cement (111). The Desmarais family sits on the board of this French Conglomerate which has forged ties with La Francophonie, Iran, and has recently been charged for financing ISIS fighters in Syria. Lafrage donates to the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton also served on its board in the past (112)(113)(114).   

Below is Justin Trudeau wearing the Sinclair Clan tartan adorned with a sporran holding 3 lucky rabbit feet, an occult symbol. The Celts believed the rabbit, being a burrowing animal, could communicate with the spirits of the underworld (115)(116).  

In the Sinclair Crest The Rooster is a Knights Templar symbol and is found on their armour and weapons. The rooster is used in ancient Scottish Rite and French Rite Freemason ceremonies and is directly tied to the Rosicrucian Illuminati (118)(119)(120)(121)(122)…

Does this mean Justin Trudeau will lead the Merovingian Bloodline and become the next world monarch? The simple answer to this is no. Although he is perceived by many Canadians as being the next Antichrist, there are other more powerful families of the “Black Nobility” that have a stronger connection to the 13th bloodline such as the Queen and the Rothschilds. But what is significant here is that elite families of the Illuminati have placed their offspring in powerful positions, be they politicians, world leaders, media, industrialists etc., and the public is seemingly unaware of the connections to these bloodlines and the control they have in directing global upheaval. We should all be asking them: “Who’s your daddy and what does he do?” The world is their stage and it looks like the drama teacher is the director’s pet.

If you were in danger of losing an election because someone was going to testify you broke the law would you have them murdered if you knew you would never be caught because the people who would investigate the crime were your fellow Masons?

Barry and Honey Sherman

Who Murdered Barry and Honey Sherman?

Supreme Court was scheduled to hear case today that implicated Justin Trudeau in the murders of Barry & Honey Sherman. Organized Justin’s Aug 26, 2015 fundraiser which the RCMP were investigating at the time of murders. Justin appointed AG shut down court & hearing using COVID-19. Twitter Feed

Here are other articles about the gruesome murder of the Shermans.

Pharma Billionaire Barry Sherman MURDERED DAYS AFTER Trudeau Fundraiser Investigation Launch

Canadian pharmaceuticals executive Barry Sherman and his wife Honey were strangled in their home. No one knows who did it or why, but everyone has a theory.

The Mysterious Death Of Apotex Founder Barry Sherman, Manufacturer of Covid-19 REMEDY

Analysis of evidence in the “targeted” killings of Barry & Honey Sherman concludes murders were politically motivated, who the prime suspects are & why.

Canada Elections Act provides motive for the double homicides of Honey and Barry Sherman

Barry Sherman was under investigation for breaking lobbying rules

The mysterious death of Michel Trudeau Justin’s brother.

“The manager of the Avalanche Centre in Revelstoke, B.C., stated at the time that “before the Trudeau death he had NEVER HEARD of an avalanche pushing someone into the water who then drowned.”

Was The Mysterious Death Of Michel Trudeau Covered-Up By Canadian Media?

November 21, 2020 by Brad Salzberg


The death of Michel Trudeau, on Friday the 13th in November, 1998, occurred due to a freak accident in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, at a time of the year when snow packs are low and avalanches are rare.

An avalanche in the month of November, in Canada’s Rocky Mountains, is an extremely unlikely event because snowpacks have not built up sufficiently to create the conditions when avalanches occur naturally.

Evan Manners, manager of the Canadian Avalanche Centre in Revelstoke, B.C., said that “before the Trudeau death he had never heard of an avalanche pushing someone into the water who then drowned. “It’s very rare,” [an avalanche at that time of the year] he told the National Post shortly after the accident.

What also appears factual is that subsequent to being informed of their child’s death, neither Pierre nor Margaret Trudeau went to visit the scene of the crime. As a parent, wouldn’t one have a nagging desire to view the location of the death with their own eyes?

Furthermore, the media states that police carried out an “extensive search”– yet the body of Michel Trudeau was never been found–  a surprising event because the spot where he allegedly went under the water is well known and there were no reported currents in the lake which would carry the body away.  

Now, for something even more sketchy than this, again hidden from the purview of Canadians.

In an interesting coincidence, that may not be a co-incidence at all, Michel Trudeau was allegedly nearly killed on July 17, 1998– five months before his actual death when his motor vehicle was broadsided by another vehicle while driving through Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada.

The alleged accident was so powerful that the truck Michel Trudeau was driving rolled over several times and was a complete write off– it was reported that it was a miracle that Michel Trudeau survived.

Holy Crow–this is one bizarre news story– one which has never permeated the general consciousness of Canadian society, and CAP can see why.

 Whatever the circumstances, a truism remains: the family and offspring of Pierre Trudeau are one sketchy bunch. Equally as sketchy– CBC and establishment media’s cover-up of the “inequities” of the Trudeau family.

Three which come to mind are:

— Margaret Trudeau’s mental breakdown and incarceration in the psychiatric ward of a hospital.

— Alexandre Trudeau’s work as a film maker for the theocratic government of Iran, as well as a lifetime dedication to China and Islam.

— Michel Trudeau’s death, and all the related circumstances which suggest this to be a giant media cover-up.

Now, add the following oddity to the situation, drawn from Maclean’s magazine in 2016:

“The catalyst for the warmth in the Trudeau-Castro relationship was Michel Trudeau”
“When Pierre and Margaret holding baby Michel arrived, there was Fidel, ready to take Michel in his arms”

To reiterate, Michel Trudeau’s body was never found— in a body of still lake water. Is it possible the third son was threatening to expose a piece of information that would damage the Trudeau family?

These are just a few of myriad Trudeau-family behaviours media cover-up for the benefit of the Royal Family of Canada”-the Trudeau’s of Quebec.

I didn’t learn of Michel’s death til I read this article. Did you know he had died or even that Justin had a brother? Obviously the Masons who are the top dogs in the media in Canada surpressed the story.


Attorney Thomas Renz dropped a bombshell about a Whistleblower that has come forward alledging that the death rates that she has been monitoring on government websites are much much higher than what Vaers and the Media are telling people. In sworn testimony this Whistleblower is saying the accurate covid shot death number is 45,000 people.

It is widely know that only 1% of deaths are reported to Vaers so the actually death count must be closer to 4,500,000. Since the same vaccines are used in Canada which has a population one tenth the size of the USA the total death toll is about 450,000.

This is mass murder. Those that are the accountable like Trudeau, Tam and all politicians who have and continue to promote any of the the Covid-19 vaccines should be arrested. But this doesn’t happen because the people who should charge and arrest them are also Freemasons and murder is acceptable amongst Masons.

Treason as it is Defined in Canada

Justice Laws Website

High treason46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,

(a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her;

(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or

(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.

The sentence for treason is life imprisonment.

Why is the Queen of England the reigning monarch of Canada. I thought we were an independent nation. Maybe not, since every new PM pledges an oath of allegiance not to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the people of Canada but to the Queen.


Were you aware that Canada’s Prime Minister swears an Oath of Secrecy with The Queen of England through the Privy Council of Canada. So he has to do whatever the PedoQueen tells him to do, AND keep it secret… Wait, What?
This really freaked me out when I heard it the first time… And the second time..

Oh CanadA!

And what kind of person is the Queen? She is part of the Merovingian Bloodline like Trudeau and likes to come to Canada to shop for children.


It’s my opinon those MPs and senators who voted for the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA) committed treason for it allows communist soldiers to more easily wage war on Canada by having a base here. Although Canada and China are not engaged in war, communism, which is a totalitarian system controlled by a very few people is the opposite of a democratic system in which the people alledgedly control the government.

NY Nadia has something to say about traitors.

An Open Letter: To Whom It May Concern

16,857 viewsAug 14, 2021

Chinese Military Like Soldiers Train on Salt Spring Island, Canada

 295,600 views  Mar 21, 2018


China Amassing “Tens-of-Thousands” of Troops in Canada OCTOBER 23, 2020

Article by Hal Turner                                     October 9, 2020                             (

• In late 2019, Canada and China signed a treaty that allows the People’s Liberation Army of China to station Chinese troops in Canada, beginning in 2020. It has long been rumored that China has been massing troops in southern Mexico. But the rumors that Chinese troops had set up bases in Canada was pretty much laughed off until video emerged of Chinese troops marching along a road in Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia.

• What are Chinese troops doing on the US border in British Columbia, Canada? According to a January 15, 2020 Canadian Independent Press Review report: “Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities.”

• Why would Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enter such a treaty? Does Canada not have its own military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” Or was Trudeau paid off by China to betray the United States like this?

• According to British Columbia locals, PLA troops are troops being stationed in Stanley Park in Vancouver pending the construction of a permanent base. Stanley Park is now off limits to Canadians, as enforced by Vancouver police. One Canadian citizen is quoted as saying: “You got ‘em (PLA Troops) all over the coast, man, based outta Prince Rupert. A bunch of their military intel people work outta their consulate in town (Vancouver) and they can airlift the assault troops here in an hour, is what I been told.”

• Hal Turner of the Hal Turner Radio Show notes that there was a news story a few weeks ago about how the U.S. military is redeploying F-22’s and F-35 jets to Alaska. An ABC News story in March noted that President Trump had authorized the activation of a million U.S. military reservists. Were these counter-moves to prepare the U.S. for a Chinese invasion from Western Canada?

• Over the summer, the U.S. west coast has seen ferocious wildfires that have burned millions acres and destroyed tens-of-thousands of American homes, (fires that seemed to stop at the Canadian border). Were these fires orchestrated to chase the population away from the U.S. West Coast? stumbled upon ‘environmental videos’ from US satellites that picked up literal “beams” in the near-infra-red spectrum being fired into the wildfires. (see article here) When these ‘directed energy weapon’ beams hit, the fires would immediately spread and grow in intensity. People on the ground have also taken pictures of these energy beams coming from the sky to create or spread wildfires.

• Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has revealed that China and Russia have “weaponized space”. In an address to an Air Force conference, Esper said that China and Russia are employing “asymmetric capabilities”, stating that they have “weaponized space” with “directed energy weapons.” An image of a car taken at the site of a wildfire shows how the wheels on the car had actually melted. How can burning wood melt steel? It can’t. The burn temperature doesn’t get hot enough. But a directed energy weapon could do it.

• China knows that American citizens are armed to the teeth under the Second Amendment. Is their strategy to decrease the American population on the West Coast so they won’t be facing so many of those armed citizens? Are they softening-up the West Coast for invasion? Are the Chinese bringing in military equipment such as tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, helicopters and planes as well?

• [Editor’s Note]  It would seem implausible that the Chinese military could amass the number of troops it would take to stage a US invasion from British Columbia without the US being aware of it and ready. But Dr. Michael Salla suggests another purpose for the Chinese being stationed in Canada: “It is more likely that Chinese troops are being pre-positioned for some kind of false flag event that devastates U.S. infrastructure, such as an asteroid impact or an EMP attack, where they stream over the border for ‘humanitarian assistance’, rather than an outright invasion.” These troops could be a vanguard to enter the U.S. under the guise of humanitarian assistance, be in a position to incapacitate key communications centers and power grids, and then open the door to the main Chinese ground invasion.

  One has to ask why Prime Minister Trudeau would sign such a treaty? Does Canada not have its own military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” Does Canada not trust its own Royal Canadian Mounted Police? Are Canada’s Provincial Police forces somehow inadequate? Or did Prime Minister Trudeau somehow find that allowing China to mass troops in his country might be beneficial to HIMSELF? Did Trudeau get a massive payoff from China to betray the United States like this? What other explanation could there be?

I haven’t been able to find the names of the MPs and the senators that voted for the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA) so if anyone knows were I can the list of these traitors please let me know at

Why didn’t David Vigneault, CSIS, Murray Power, RMCP or any high ranking officers in the military speak out against this treason? They all must be Masons.

Davos Switzerland is where the Cabal elite meet every year. They plan the steps they will take to destroy the democracy and soveriegnty of every nation and therefore are all guilty of treason. I found pulled out of the total list the Canadians that attended Davos in 2020. They should all be locked up.


The confidential list of everyone attending the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos

By David Yanofsky

Editor of code, visuals, and data

Published January 20, 2020 Last updated on February 3, 2020

From Goldman Sachs bankers to United Nations bureaucrats, delegates have descended on Davos, Switzerland, for the 2020 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The conference, now in its 50th year, is a perennial draw for the world’s most powerful people to discuss the most pressing issues facing the global economy—or at least make them feel like that’s what they’re doing.

The information about this year’s attendees was submitted to us anonymously through our Secure Drop portal. By name, it matched the 2,784-person list made available to journalists. However, the information we received contains more detail on attendees than Quartz has ever seen and reveals, in ways never before disclosed, how the WEF catalogs and categorizes the world’s powerful people.

William Francis Morneau Minister of Finance 

Level 3 Minister

Robin Sheremeta

Senior Vice-President, Coal, Teck Resources, Canada

Level 2Senior Executive

Marcia M. Smith

Senior Vice-President, Sustainability and External Affairs, Teck Resources, Canada

Level 2Senior Executive

Ross Beaty

Chairman, Pan American Silver, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

John M. Beck

Executive Chairman, Aecon Group, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Ian Leslie Edwards

Chief Executive Officer, SNC-Lavalin Group, Canada

Roy Gori

President and Chief Executive Officer, Manulife, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Goldy Hyder

President and Chief Executive Officer, Business Council of Canada, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Paul Thomas Jenkins

Chair of the Board, OpenText, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Don Lindsay

President and Chief Executive Officer, Teck Resources, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Mark Little

President and Chief Executive Officer, Suncor Energy, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Brandt C. Louie

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, H. Y. Louie Co., Canada

Level 1Top Executive

**Mark Machin

President and Chief Executive Officer, CPP Investment Board (CPPIB), Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Chuck Magro

President and Chief Executive Officer, Nutrien, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Eric Martel

Chief Executive Officer, Hydro-Québec, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Bharat Masrani

President and Chief Executive Officer, TD Bank Group, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

David McKay

President and Chief Executive Officer, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Autumn Peltier

Chief Water Commissioner of the Anishinabek Nation, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Frank Sobey

Chairman, Crombie REIT, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Jo Taylor

President and Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Darryl White

Chief Executive Officer, BMO Financial Group, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Stephen J. Adler

Editor-in-Chief, Reuters, Canada

Level 1Editor-in-Chief

Robert Cox

Global Editor-in-Chief, Reuters, Canada

Level 1Editor-in-Chief

David Walmsley

Editor-in-Chief, Globe and Mail, Canada

Level 1Editor-in-Chief

Suzanne Fortier

Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University, Canada

Level 1Academia/Think-tank

Vural Özdemir

Senior Editor and Writer, Emerging Technology Governance and Responsible Innovation, Canada

Level 1Academia/Think-tank

Eric Axford

Executive Vice-President; Chief Sustainability Officer, Suncor Energy, Canada

Level 2Senior Executive

Barry Blattman

Vice-Chair, Brookfield Asset Management, Canada

Level 2Senior Executive

Guy LeBlanc

President and Chief Executive Officer, Investissement Québec, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Carol Cruickshank

Partner, Americas Leadership, Kearney, Canada

Level 2Senior Executive

Robert Dorrance

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, TD Securities, TD Bank Group, Canada

Level 2Senior Executive

Shamus Weiland

Global Chief Information Officer, Manulife, Canada

Level 2Senior Executive

Alessandra Galloni

Global Managing Editor, Reuters, Canada

Level 2Journalist

Simon Robinson

Global Managing Editor, Newsroom, Reuters, Canada

Level 2Journalist

Axel Threlfall

Editor-at-Large, Reuters, Canada

Level 2Journalist

Navdeep Bains

Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada

Level 3Minister

Fang Liu

Secretary-General, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Montreal

Level 3Head of International Org./Deputy Head of Top International Org.

Kevin Lynch

Vice-Chairman, BMO Financial Group, Canada

Level 3Board Member

François Legault

Premier of Quebec, Canada

Level 4Sub-National/Regional Head

John Stackhouse

Senior Vice-President, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Canada

Level 4Head of Business Unit/Head of Region

Ashish Mohan

Global Shaper, Halifax Hub, Canada

Level not specified

Maya Roy

Chief Executive Officer, YWCA Canada, Canada

Level not specified

Robyn Seetal

Global Shaper, Calgary Hub, Canada

Level not specified

Finally all 13th degree and higher Masons in Canada should be questioned regarding acts of murder or treason they have been involved in or witnessed.

One of the few things that the Cabal fears is personal intiative. A person that can get an idea that is outside their matrix and is willing to fight for it can make a big difference The “Fight Song” illustrates this concept beautifully.

Rachel Platten – Fight Song (Official Video)

549,667,801 views May 19, 2015

“Be good to yourself and others. Do not look outside yourself for a leader. We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Hopi Legend

Update January 31th, 2020.

In this interview with Dr. Nagase discloses that Health Canada knew as of April 30th, 2021 that the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine caused deaths or serious adverse effects in 31% of the people who got the shot according to a report published by Pfizer. Nagase said,”This product should have been taken off the market” and “It’s an absolute lie that the vaccine is safe.”


RUReally   December 11, 2021

Off Topic!! Klaus Schwab revealed infiltration of governments of Trudeau Macron half of cabinets, also, Justin Trudeau’s half-brother speaks out!!!

By Voice Over – January 29, 2022

Who are some of the other Young Global Leaders? Excerpts from this article by Anthony Laing names the names and describes what they are planning.

Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school….

Anthony Laing (NOMAD)

SIA Frontline Close Protection Officer UK/Sheepdog

Published Dec 9, 2021

Exposed: Klaus Schwab’s School For Covid Dictators, Plan for ‘Great Reset’

By: Michael Lord of RAIR Foundation USA

December 6, 2021: Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.

Schwab’s Young Global Leaders: Incubator of the Great Reset?

In 1992 Schwab established a parallel institution, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school, which was re-established as Young Global Leaders in 2004. Attendees at the school must apply for admission and are then subjected to a rigorous selection process. Members of the school’s very first class in 1992 already included many who went on to become important liberal political figures, such as Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair. There are currently about 1,300 graduates of this school, and the list of alumni includes several names of those who went on to become leaders of the health institutions of their respective nations. Four of them are former and current health ministers for Germany, including Jens Spahn, who has been Federal Minister of Health since 2018. Philipp Rösler, who was Minister of Health from 2009 until 2011, was appointed the WEF’s Managing Director by Schwab in 2014.

Other notable names on the school’s roster are Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand whose stringent lockdown measures have been praised by global health authorities; Emmanuel Macron, the President of France; Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria; Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary; Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission; and Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens who was the party’s first candidate for Chancellor in this year’s federal election, and who is still in the running to be Merkel’s successor. We also find California Governor Gavin Newsom on the list, who was selected for the class of 2005, as well as former presidential candidate and current US Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg, who is a very recent alumnus, having been selected for the class of 2019. All of these politicians who were in office during the past two years have favored harsh responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and which also happened to considerably increase their respective governments’ power.

  • Gavin Newsom, Young Global Leaders Class of 2005.
  • Angela Merkel, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1992.
  • Peter Buttigieg, Young Global Leaders Class of 2019.
  • Emmanuel Macron, Young Global Leaders Class of 2017
  • Jeff Bezos, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1998
  • Bill Gates, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1993

Another thing that the Global Leaders graduates have in common is that most of them have very sparse CVs apart from their participation in the program prior to being elevated to positions of power, which may indicate that it is their connection to Schwab’s institutions that is the decisive factor in launching their careers. This is most evident when the school’s alumni are publicly questioned about issues that they have not been instructed to talk about in advance, and their struggles to come up with answers are often quite evident. Wolff contends that their roles are only to act as mouthpieces for the talking points that those in the shadows behind them want discussed in public debate.

A Worldwide Network of Wealth & Influence

Graduates from the Young Global Leaders school, and Global Leaders for Tomorrow before them, find themselves very well-situated given that they then have access to the WEF’s network of contacts. The WEF’s current Board of Trustees includes such luminaries as Christine Lagarde, former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and current President of the European Central Bank; Queen Rania of Jordan, who has been ranked by Forbes as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world; and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest investment management corporation internationally and which handles approximately $9 trillion annually. By tracing the connections between the school’s graduates, Wolff claims that you can see that they continue to rely on each other for support for their initiatives long after they participated in the Global Leaders programs.

Wolff further explains that the lockdowns and subsequent bailouts that were seen around the world over the past two years left many nations on the verge of bankruptcy. In order to avoid an economic catastrophe, the governments of the world resorted to drawing on 650 billion special drawing rights, or SDRs, which are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets managed by the International Monetary Fund. When these eventually come due, it will leave these same governments in dire straits, which is why it may be that the introduction of digital currency has become a sudden priority – and this may have been the hidden purpose of the lockdowns all along.

Democracy Has Been Cancelled

The ultimate conclusion one must draw from all of this, according to Wolff, is that democracy as we knew it has been silently cancelled, and that although the appearance of democratic processes is being maintained in our countries, the fact is that an examination of how governance around the world works today shows that an elite of super-wealthy and powerful individuals effectively control everything that goes on in politics, as has been especially evident in relation to the pandemic response.

The best way to combat their designs, Wolff says, is simply to educate people about what is happening, and for them to realize that the narrative of the “super-dangerous virus” is a lie that has been designed to manipulate them into accepting things that run contrary to their own interests. If even 10% of ordinary citizens become aware of this and decide to take action, it could thwart the elite’s plans and perhaps open a window for ordinary citizens to take back control over their own destinies.

Canadian nurse whistleblowers say many people are dying after getting vaccines while hospitals are filled with the fully vaccinated.


Monday, September 27, 2021 by: Arsenio Toledo
Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, Canada, coronavirus, coronavirus vaccines, covid-19, Dangerous Medicine, free speech, government, Hospitals, nurse, Quebec, right to protest, Vaccine dangers, Vaccine deaths, vaccine wars, vaccines, Whistleblower

(Natural News) Two Canadian nurses have turned into whistleblowers and told reporters what they have seen during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This includes people dying after getting vaccinated and hospitals filled with fully vaccinated people suffering from COVID-19.

Erica Beardsley, from the small town of Pontiac in the Canadian province of Quebec, was a nurse for 11 years. She recently resigned after her employer mandated that she get vaccinated.

At an anti-vaccine mandate protest in Canada, she spoke with a reporter about the gruesome things she has seen as a nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’ve physically seen people restraining the elderly and vaccinating them against their will while they scream ‘No,’” said Beardsley. “I’ve seen patients coming in with suicide and … once they’re dead, they are testing them for COVID. Why? Why are we testing them for COVID?”

“I’ve witnessed a lot of people dying of heart attacks shortly after the vaccine,” she continued. “I’ve witnessed miscarriages at full-term five days, four days, after the vaccine.”

Beardsley explained that this is a surprisingly common occurrence even though she comes from a town of just around 5,000 people.

“I’m in a little hospital, a small hospital. I’ve worked on every floor,” said Beardsley. She said she has worked in long-term care, general care, the emergency department and even for her hospital’s external clinic. “I saw it all.”

“I have nothing to lose, nothing to hide. They wanted to mandate the vaccine on me and I refused…

Another nurse working in St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto claims the hospital is filled with fully vaccinated COVID-19 patients.

“Are the hospitals full of COVID patients,” asked one reporter.

“The hospitals are pretty much full of people that have been vaccinated,” answered the nurse. “They’re returning to the hospital due to their vaccinations.”

“So you’re telling me that people who got vaccinated are in the hospital right now?” asked the reporter.

“Yeah, not just in St. Michael’s, but all over the world,” said the nurse. “That’s what’s coming back to the hospitals this time of year, when the hospitals should be at their lowest, are people that are vaccinated.”

Nurse Reveals that Trudeau Faked his Vaccination.

Nurse claims Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 vaccination was faked, points out red flags

Thursday, February 03, 2022 by: Cassie B.
Tags: badmedicine, big government, Canada, conspiracy, covid-19 vaccines, deception, faked, immunization, Justin Trudeau, lies, pandemic, propaganda, red flags, stupid, Twisted, vaccine mandate


This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author 

Bypass censorship by sharing this link:

(Natural News) A registered nurse who is trained in giving intramuscular injections created a video explaining why she believes that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie did not actually receive COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, she said she “could spot this from a mile away” just by looking at the footage that was broadcast on live television.

On April 23, Trudeau and his wife were recorded getting their first doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at a Rexall pharmacy. In the video, Trudeau can be seen rolling up his sleeve and reaching over to his wife and asking her to hold his hand before a pharmacist injected the dose into his left arm at the site of his tattoo.

In the nurse’s video, she shared several reasons why she believes that the shots were “obviously fake.” Her main criticism was the fact that the worker who gave the couple their shots used just one hand.

“Nobody does that. You don’t give IM injections that way,” she pointed out, using the abbreviation IM for “intramuscular.”

More fuel for the fire. Update February 22, 2022

17-02-2022 – Trudeau’s Pedophile Agenda

First published at 10:34 UTC on February 17th, 2022. 


What About Our Dis-Honorable Deputy Prime Minister, Chrysta Freeland?

Chrystia Freeland: The Most Dangerous Nazi Grandaughter in the World – Who is She to Talk About Dictators and Democracy?

February 24th, 2022 16 views

Global Agend 318 Followers

After last week’s blast of dictatorial communism directed at the Canadian Truckers For Freedom protest and their violent eviction at the Hands of UN soldiers and militarized Canadian Police I just had to put a video together of Klaus Shwab’s favorite little daughter of a Nazi newspaper man and literally call her and Justin Trudeau out for their utter rhetoric and hypocrisy for calling out Vladimir Putin as a ‘dictator’. Isn’t that the’Pot calling the Kettle black?

WordPress in not able to embed Odysee videos so you’ll have to go to and enter the title of the video.

What do we know about Theresa Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer for Canada?

Who is Dr. Theresa Tam?

by Kidist Paulos Asrat


The official line is that she is the “Chief Public Health Officer” of Canada. With this position, she has become, in effect, the Canadian official behind the government’s COVID-19 containment strategy. But who is Theresa Tam, really?  How did she acquire such a powerful position, with the ability to close down a whole nation based on such inconsequential statistics of 3-4% cases, which even the 2018 flu virus, with double the cases, wasn’t able to do?

The official line is that she is the “Chief Public Health Officer” of Canada. With this position, she has become, in effect, the Canadian official behind the government’s COVID-19 containment strategy. But who is Theresa Tam, really?  How did she acquire such a powerful position, with the ability to close down a whole nation based on such inconsequential statistics of 3-4% cases, which even the 2018 flu virus, with double the cases, wasn’t able to do?

So Who is Dr. Theresa Tam

Who is this woman now in charge of providing the “chief” medical information concerning Canada’s lockdown? Where did she come from? There is very little available on her biography, very little personal (and even professional) information on Tam. Somewhere there was a post that she was 55 years old, but I couldn’t find:

  • Her date of birth
  • Her place of birth (other than “raised in Hong Kong”)
  • The dates of her various degrees – I even went into the UBC and UA websites looking for alumni profiles.
  • There are no listings of her theses and dissertation.

She is listed having expertise in immunization, infectious disease, emergency preparedness and global health security. Something more specific, and odd, is: “she is a graduate of the The Canadian Field Epidemiology Program” which looks like an internship or upgrades for employees in the Public Health Agency of Canada.

But I couldn’t find her medical school records to find her year of graduation, or any other post-grad qualifications.

I am usually pretty good at finding out some of this information, but to draw a blank on almost all the key components that make up a biographical profile is very strange.

Wikipedia states her birth place as Hong Kong, that she grew up in Britain, obtaining her medical degree in the University of Nottingham, with further studies at the University of Alberta for her residency, and the University of British Columbia under a fellowship.

A page on the Government of Canada website states that she is an expert in “immunization, infectious disease, and global health security.”

The World Health Organization’s international website lists her as “an international expert on a number of World Health Organization committees” including SARS, pandemic influenza and polio eradication…

Tam has close links with the WHO as a consultant. I believe she personally knows Tedros Gebreyesus (the Eritrean Director General of WHO), who was key in starting the misinformation about the global panic. She is a feminist and a socialist, as Tedros is also a life-long Marxist, starting from his political positions in the various Ethiopian Marxist governments from the 1980s and the 2000s.

She has politicized her role in Canadians’ health and well-being. She declares, following the socialist mandates of the WHO, which is clearly her own political stance:

A healthy Canada requires us to level the [social] playing field

How did someone whose credentials can’t be verified become the Chief Public Health Officer? Just another incident of CSIS not doing its job.

Duping delight happens when liars smile or smirk at inappropriate times because they are so amused and pleased that someone is believing their lies. Gates, Trudeau and even Tamara Lich have displayed this behavior. Here’s Trudeau caught displaying duping delight.!:2

This song proves Canadians Got Talent.

22,936 views   Feb 15, 2022

Thoughts from the Woods

Update March 27th, 2022.

Three members of the EU Parliament slam Trudeau and 500 members are not in attendence for his speech.

Trudeau Humiliated at European Union March 26, 2022 

Canadas Patriots

Proof That Trudeau’s is a Pedo


Update August 11, 2022

Brad Salzberg has written two articles recently that I want to share with you.

Was Trudeau Placed Into Office By George Soros And Tides Foundation?


“Electoral outcomes were influenced,” alleges the report.

A 36-page report entitled Elections Canada Complaint Regarding Foreign Influence in the 2015 Canadian Election alleges third parties worked with each other to bypass federal election spending limits — all of which appears to be in contravention of the Canada Elections Act.

“Foreign money funnelled towards Canadian political advocacy groups affected the outcome of the 2015 federal election, according to documents filed with Elections Canada and obtained by the Calgary Herald in May, 2017.

Justin Trudeau, Enemy Of Personal Freedom For Canadians

Justin Trudeau pathological need for control is eliminating personal freedoms for Canadians. Brad Salzberg

What Justin Trudeau appears to hate more than anything can be summarized in his comprehensive attack on individual freedom. Obviously, our PM has a serious problem in the area of control.

An unwavering need to restrict Canadians from traditional freedoms– constitutional freedoms– underlines his every move. Simply stated, Justin Trudeau is a serious control freak. Authoritarian tendencies seem to be intrinsically woven into the fabric of his being, as if he is a logical extension of authoritarian dictators of the 20th century.

Control the truckers. Control the farmers. Censor freedom of speech. Force feed pandemic vaccines to the public. Undermine Charter Rights, restrict bank accounts, gather private data(ArriveCan), brand as racist all those in opposition.

“The need for control drives people to turn to the external world in order to find things they can control. They may be compelled to micromanage and orchestrate the actions and behaviors of others.”

What are the traits of a controlling person?

  • They make you think everything’s your fault.
  • They criticize you all the time.
  • They don’t want you to see the people you love.
  • They keep score.
  • They gaslight you.
  • They create drama.
  • They intimidate you.

“Control freaks” have a psychological need to be in charge of things and people – even circumstances that cannot be controlled. The need for control stems from deeper psychological issues such as obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders or personality disorders.

How neatly Justin Trudeau’s personality reflects these character traits. Nothing is ever his fault. The man consistently criticizes those who think differently than he does. The PM loves to intimidate dissenters.

“Gaslighting is a manipulative abuse tactic where a survivor begins to question their own reality. This is done by the abuser questioning facts, denying memories the survivor has, undermining their judgment and bullying them into believing the abuser’s reality.” 

Sounds just about right regarding Justin. The man is a political bully, but at the same time behaves in a cowardly manner. After running and hiding from the attendees of the Truckers Convoy in Ottawa, Trudeau pulls a complete about-face by invoking an unnecessary Emergencies Act.

Even the “don’t want you to see loved ones” trait applies. Astute observers may have picked up on the trend. Each time a family-oriented holiday came around during the dog-days of Covid, Trudeau was on the horn instructing Canadians not to get together with family and friends. Christmas, Easter–you name the traditional holiday, and the PM was promoting the perils of meeting up with family members.

Mr. Trudeau’s need for control is likely rooted in his family background. Diagnosed with bi-polar depression, mother Margaret Trudeau’s fixations fell outside the family unit. Pierre Trudeau was concerned with matters of the state.

Such a structure was bound to leave the oldest Trudeau son starving for attention. Lack of personal success as a youth would only exacerbate the situation. Fueled by a half-life of mental mania inherited from mother, Trudeau flew out of the prime ministerial gate with a series of impetuous decisions.

In the beginning(2015), he was high on life as a freshly-minted prime minister. Over time, however, his exuberance began to fade. Like all those experiencing bouts of mania, deflation set in as the PM came to recognise a profound fact:

These people will not do exactly as I say. The result was a carving up of society into distinct social groups: those who consider his words prophetic, and those who think he is a fool.

Can it be that Justin Trudeau’s pathological need for control is eliminating personal freedoms for Canadians?

OCD tendencies are closely linked to Narcissistic Personality Disorder. These types crave one thing above all: a need to be admired. As an under-qualified national leader, Trudeau’s need transcends the typical case.

The PM became intent upon being so much more than a prime minister– he was to be perceived as a Globalist God. See Justin go Bollywood, dancing like a banshee over in India. Not content with the role, the Trudeau transformed himself into a woke whirling dervish as if a reincarnation of 13th century Persian poet Rumi.

Yet, like all manic individuals, disillusionment began to darken his cognitive door. The result was a crackdown on society. A calculated agenda of social manipulation began to creep into Trudeau’s “sunny ways” ploy.

He must control the people, and they must bend to his will. The result being the greatest reduction in personal freedoms Canadians have experienced outside of a period of war.

A recent article from conservative journalist Spencer Fernando speaks to the standard Trudeau inflicts upon society:

“The Liberals Sure Don’t Like People Warning About The Loss Of Freedom In Canada”

“The Liberal government has taken advantage of Canadian ‘niceness’ in order to get people to meekly go along with an assault on our rights and freedoms.”

Year after year, month after month, day after day, our rights and freedoms as Canadians are eroded and the power of centralized government increases.”

CAP pull no punches: what Mr. Fernando speaks of is exactly what has occurred in Canada while Justin Trudeau has been prime minister. Will his desperate, clinging need for control one day blow-up is his face?

Maybe, and maybe not. CAP believe that no matter who the Liberal Party select as leader, they will continue on with the great globalist roadshow. The only chance to prevent our nation from a Liberal-induced slide into neo-totalitarianism is for the party to lose a future election.

No, it won’t make Canada perfect. It may not even prevent our transition from democracy to dictatorship. But at least we could see some light at the end of the authoritarian tunnel. If not, Canadians will continue to experience our steady transformation away from a free and democratic society at the hands of neo-tyrant Justin Trudeau.

Update August 25, 2022



A Message From Justin Trudeau – SATIRE—SATIRE-1:9

In this podcast Jordan Peterson talks with Shaun Rickard and Karl Harrison, who are in a legal battle with the Canadian government over the travel bans.

Podcast: Trudeau, Travel, and “The Science”


: The Canadian Cabal, Pedophilia, Murder and Treason

Update September 6th, 2022

Green tyranny: Trudeau’s fed agents raiding private lands to test nitrate levels on soil and water sources

Monday, September 05, 2022 by: Belle Carter
Tags: badpollutionCanadaclimate alarmismclimate changeclimate fascistsclimate policeCollapseECCCfarmersfarmsfascismfertilizer watchfood productionfood supplygreen tyrannyinterrogation roomsJeremy Cockrillnitrate level complianceNitrogennitrogen agentspolice statepollutionranchingTrudeauwar on nitrogen

(Natural News) Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) employees had been trespassing private lands in Saskatchewan to ensure the nitrate level compliance of farms in the Canadian province.

Member of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan Jeremy Cockrill called on Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault to comment on these allegations.

“We’re still unsure which federal department they are a part of, but they actually were taking samples out of a private dugout and when approached and queried as to why they were there, they said that they were checking for pesticide residues and nitrates,” Cockrill said.

According to the Post Millennial, Cockrill learned that the provincial government has received several reports of government agents entering farms without owners’ permission to test soil and water sources.

“When approached by producers, these employees indicated that they were testing water sources for pesticide/nitrate levels,” Cockrill said in a letter. “The lands and water body, a producer’s dugout, are both privately owned.”

He said this amounts to a violation of the province’s Trespass Act. The act includes a maximum penalty of $25,000 for repeat offenders, up to six months imprisonment following a conviction for a first or subsequent trespass offense and a $200,000 maximum penalty for any corporation that counsels and/or aids in the commission of that offense.

Back in July, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pushed to accelerate the fight against climate change by cutting down nitrogen emissions from fertilizer by 30 percent at the end of this decade. This is Canada’s part in getting to net zero in the next three decades.

Guilbeault’s office said they are addressing the matter “internally,” and that they will be reviewing sampling protocols before doing any more testing.

Trudeau is enforcing his tyrannical “green agenda”

The trespassing acts of federal employees may be an initial part of Trudeau’s mind-conditioning tactics as the ECCC begins to set up facilities to carry on Canada’s “green agenda.”

The agency is currently planning on building a new building in Winnipeg that will be home to a firearms armory, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, “controlled quiet rooms” and intelligence facilities. (Related: Fascist Trudeau implementing weapons armories and interrogation rooms for Canada’s Ministry of Climate Change.)

According to a recent job posting, the agency is actively recruiting a battalion of climate “pollution” officers, a unit within the coldly named “Environmental Enforcement Directorate.”

People are worried that if they emit too much carbon or use too much fertilizer, they may just be on the climate communists’ hit list and be “checked into” the facility. Leaked architectural plans show that the entire facility is over 50,000 square feet and can house hundreds of ECCC staff.

“Trudeau’s climate police may enter any project location that affects the environment to take photographs, access computer systems and communication devices and direct any person to put any machinery, vehicle or equipment in the place into operation or to cease operating it. They may also prohibit access to the location entirely,” alternative media journalist Keean Bexte said.

According to some observers, these actions are the first steps in replicating the attacks on farmers that have prompted widespread unrest in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe.

Visit for more news related to Canada’s authoritarian measures to carry on with its “green agenda.”

Update January 5, 2023

Trudeau’s Brother Says WEF Has ‘Compromising Material’ On Him That Keeps Him In Check

Update April 21st, 2023

Update April 28th, 2023

I’m surprised that theYoutube censors have not taken down this video.

Update May 11, 2023

On August 3, 2023 we find that Trudeau and his wife have decided to separate after 20 years together, 18 of which they spent married.

The Cover-Up Coalition: Unmasking Canada’s Political Elite

Knight Digs Deep into the Disturbing Alliance of Liberals, NDP, and Bloc: A Democracy on the Brink

Dan Knight

Oct 23, 2023

Good evening, Canada. This is where your usual politeness won’t cut it, and saying ‘sorry’ won’t make things right. Tonight, we are peeling back the veneer on what appears to be a convoluted quagmire of politics, investigations, and unanswered questions that makes a mockery of our justice system.

In our previous report, we dived deep into the snail-paced RCMP investigation—let’s be generous and even call it that—into Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s alleged interference in the SNC-Lavalin case. We exposed the gaping holes in their process, and now it’s time to follow up on the recent updates that only deepen the perplexity.

Let’s start with Micheal Barrett’s statement. The Member of Parliament points out the evident double standard here. Most Canadians, if they dare withhold crucial documents from the RCMP, would quickly find themselves in a tight spot, most likely behind bars. Trudeau, however, seems to be floating in a separate universe where the regular rules don’t apply. Barrett is correct; withholding evidence during an investigation is tantamount to obstruction of justice. The irony, of course, is that this entire charade began over accusations of obstructing justice!

What’s alarming is the timid response from the RCMP. Even when Trudeau is openly refusing to cooperate, their investigation is paralyzed. Micheal Barrett highlights that this issue isn’t just about Trudeau; it’s symptomatic of a whole cabinet that appears to have thrown the rulebook out the window. “A cabinet of serial lawbreakers”—that’s what Barrett called them, and honestly, the shoe seems to fit.

Now, you may ask, what happens when the RCMP Commissioner tries to clear the air? We’d love to know as well, except, in a shocking move, the Liberals, NDP, and Bloc—the “cover-up coalition,” as Barrett eloquently puts it—voted to shut him down before he could utter a single word. If this doesn’t reek of a cover-up, I don’t know what does.

In a video statement, Micheal Barrett captures the Liberals leaving the committee room with “tails between their legs,” evidently too cowardly to let the RCMP Commissioner even read his statement. You could practically feel the disdain in Barrett’s voice when he said, “They’re very proud to cover up the corruption of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”

At this point, it’s crystal clear: there’s an agenda to keep the truth shrouded in mystery. What’s the motive? Is it political survival? Is it something more insidious? What we do know is that the continuous machinations to silence those who could provide clarity is deeply corrosive to the public’s trust in our democratic institutions.

Fellow Canadians, it’s not hyperbole to say we’re facing a national emergency. This isn’t just a rot in the system; it’s an infection that risks spreading throughout our democracy. And it’s high time we demand that the antibiotics of transparency, accountability, and justice are applied.

Why the cover-up? Why the orchestrated silence? Why the concerted efforts to shut down any official who might provide a semblance of clarity or, God forbid, the truth?

This isn’t governance; it’s more like a mafia operation where silence is bought, compliance is ensured, and transparency is thrown out the window. And what’s most galling is that this isn’t even a one-party masquerade. We have a coalition in place, but let’s call it what it really is—a coalition for the political elite. It’s a tag-team alliance of Liberals, NDP, and the Bloc that seems hell-bent on stifling the truth rather than illuminating it.

Remember, this isn’t a coalition for the people, as they’d like you to believe. This is a coalition that is safeguarding their own, circling the wagons to protect the privileged few at the expense of the Canadian public. This “cover-up coalition” appears more concerned with shielding their political careers than upholding the democratic tenets they swore to defend.

So, Canada, it’s time to call this out for what it is—a blatant disregard for the rules and laws that are supposed to bind us together as a society. And if we don’t rise and demand accountability now, when will we? If we remain silent, we’re essentially saying that it’s okay for our institutions to be manipulated, for our democracy to be tarnished, and for our faith in a just society to be irrevocably broken.

Don’t let them erode your trust. Don’t let them escape accountability. And most importantly, don’t let them make a mockery of the country we all love and respect.

Demand answers. Demand justice. Demand Canada back.

If you’re not incensed by this egregious parade of impropriety and concealment, then perhaps you’re not paying enough attention. So stay alert, Canada. Stay very alert. Because if we don’t keep our eyes wide open, we may just find our democratic vision reduced to nothing more than a narrow tunnel, at the end of which the light of transparency and justice will have been extinguished, perhaps for good.

Good night, Canada. We all deserve better. We all deserve the truth.

Canada Is Becoming a Dystopian Nightmare

Pierre Poilievre WEF world economic forum deep state corrupt politican







430,672 views Jan 24, 2019Resurrection Europa

A documentary exposing Jordan Peterson’s agenda to subvert and destroy the rising political right wing, and neutralize European nationalism. This video completely exposes Peterson’s anti-White agenda and his strategy for implementing it. Any Peterson fans who are not beyond saving will be deprogrammed by watching this video.***Jordan Peterson’s primary goal is to neutralize the political right and White identity. He does not care about the Marxist take over of our nations, in fact he was hired by the United Nations to help usher it along***Peterson’s only reason for stepping into the limelight was because he saw a massive right wing backlash fomenting, and realized it was going to destroy the left. His job is to implement “plan B”, to steer the rising tide of nationalism into an impotent cul-de-sac of centrist individualism, giving our enemies just enough time to tip the demographic balance of our countries so that our destruction is sealed.Peterson is explicitly targeting young White males for indoctrination with an insidious political ideology he calls radical individualism. He has created a pseudo-religion self-help cult; he is delivering his ideology to the disaffected youth by combining it with a self-help regimen wrapped in empty religious metaphor.While our enemies are working tirelessly to destroy our nations in a ruthlessly calculated and organized fashion, Jordan Peterson is brainwashing a generation of young White men to be atomized individuals who perceive group cooperation based on ethnic identity and nationality as the height of evil. And in the process of doing so, Peterson and his friends are making untold millions of dollars.

In closing I’m going to throw out a challenge to you to name one billionaire who is not a part of the Cabal. If you say, Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Elon Musk, Zuckerberg or Oprah my reply would be you have not done enough research. I would go as far to say that to become a billionaire you have to join the club, get the tattoo and drink the kool aid (blood). Then your rise to fame and fortune will be lightning fast. If you don’t join the club no matter how hard you work or whatever you may create or invent you’ll find it an uphill climb with hazards and obstacles continually being thrown in front of you.  


Amazing Polly connects some dots and I think she is spot on correct.

Watch Jordan Peterson try and explain things and he just doesn’t make sense. Poly calls his verbiage a word salad.

Anyone with a brain that half way follows Jordan Peterson probably wonders how he funds all of this ventures being a “Psychologist” and a “Political Commentator.”

Polly does a good job following the money trail, connecting dots and putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

I never did like this guy as my gut told me he was a phony. I now believe that even more.

I don’t like that they define what they believe to be a Responsible Citizen. I also don’t like how this sounds like the New World Order “Build Back Better” bullsh*t.
The body language of Jordan Peterson is also a tell. He knows that this is a relabeling campaign for the WEF.

Jordan Peterson helped to create the ARC – Alliance for Responsible Citizenship. The idea behind this ARC was to create a benevolent plan that rivals the WEF plan.

One thing I learned from studying the way the Cabal operates is this: They CONSTANTLY RELABEL.

Once people start to get close to the target, that target is gradually re-introduced in a new way with a different label and it seems to fool the sheep every damn time.

Sit back and listen to Amazing Polly as she exposes the powerful people behind this.
Do you know ANY Wealthy and Powerful people who are Anti-New World Order?

I Don’t.



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By victorswhyte

Creative writer, light painter, Youtuber, and bloger

20 replies on “The Canadian Cabal, Pedophilia, Murder and Treason”

dr kola kolawole, male psychiatrist from Hamilton Ontario had been convicted of second degree felony, forcible sexual abuse, and third degree felony forcible sodomy molestation of three juvenile patients at the ontario facility where he worked and sexual assault of a highschool girl in a park. He destroyed my daughters life, and my daughter constantly suffers and is haunted with mental health problems.


Good morning, Pamela,
Sorry to hear about the abuse of your daughter. I have a daughter too so I can understand your pain. At least Dr. Kolawole has been caught and will hopefully be in jail for a long time.
In the book ” The Wisdom of Psychopaths” The author reveals that psychiatry is one of the professions that has the greatest number of psychopaths. There is a website called Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights, This link will lead you to the page that talks about what the organization is about. There is a lot of frank information about psychiatry that I have not found anywhere else. The site was founded by Dr. Thomas Szasz and the Church of Scientology. I feel I should warn you to stay a mile away from the Church of Scientology for it’s a cult that will take all your money and eventually your soul. Nevertheless, this site is worth taking a look at.
As for your daughter getting the healing she needs I suggest some sessions with Gabe Dionne. He is an intuitive therapist who has successfully helped people who have experienced satanic ritual abuse. He can cut the cords between Dr. Kolawole and your daughter that were formed when he raped her that are causing her continued mental health problems. I have had some video call sessions with him and know he can access a person’s physical and emotional condition and get to the core of a problem very quickly. His phone number is 1 304 400-9824. He charges $175 US per session. (Usually an hour but can be longer)
I hope this helps.

Take care, Victor


Wow. Your blog is incredible. I have already shared it with several groups. I stumbled across it via duckduckgo while looking up history on Trudeau with all thats going on in Ottawa these past weeks.
I used to work in a private school in Switzerland – children of very wealthy influencial and famous families. One german student bragged to me that his father was head of the Dracula Club of which my prime minister was a member. Our PM at that time was Pierre Trudeau. I thought it was a very strange thing to brag about.. There was something very dark about several of the families there. 30 years later, I have learned that many of my past students lives were tragic or unhappy, rife with dark family secrets. One very wellknown father tried to force his daughter to marry an Isis leader. When she refused, he never spoke to her again. They have the ability to do such great things and yet they destroy everything good.
Thank you for taking the time to write this. I pray that ultimately the divine force for good will prevail before this dark greedy cabal destroys our beautiful world and everyone in it!


Thank you, Katleen for sharing your first hand experience with the abused children of the very wealthy. These poor souls were destined to be abused and programmed from birth in order to insure they would be ready to assume positions of leadership and obey without hesitation. All these people we have been taught to respect deserve only our disrepect and perhaps pity. My post “The Light at the End of the Tunnel” describes the many people and organizations that are working to defeat the Cabal. On a spiritual level there are beings helping us that are much more powerful than the Cabal.I believe that a mass awakening will occur and we will have a better world without the tyrant’s boot on our heads. On Feb 5th, 2022 a group of international lawyers and doctors started grand jury proceedings to reveal to the public the crimes against humanity in the hope that the guilty individuals will be charged, arrested and tried. For more info go to
Stay free, hold the line, Victor.


I have heard about this stuff for years but never looked into it until now.The Government’s and leader are very sick people. Why is no one stopping this Or investigating.Unbelievable


Hi there,

I’m a retired Ontario doctor. At the beginning of the pandemic, I looked up Dr. Theresa Tam’s bio on Wikipedia, and it said she had a Ph.D. in health administration (not an MD!).
Then 2 months later, I checked Wikipedia again, and her bio had been completely changed to say that she was a paediatrician. I went to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and they had her listed as a paediatrician there, but she had never had an active practice in medicine after graduating.
I tried checking the Wayback machine, but I didn’t know how to use it to look for the old Wikipedia bio. (It would have been in 2020).

I thought I was losing my mind, but then my financial advisor told me that he too had looked up her Wikipedia bio and seen it when it said she was a Ph.D. and not an M.D.

I think she is a WHO spook and that her bio is totally fabricated. If someone who knows how to use the Wayback Machine could find the original bio, that would be awesome to expose her as a fraud.


Good Morning, scrabble3,

I used the time machine to go back to the oldest wikipedia entry for Tam, April 19th, 2019 which states she is a doctor.
Theresa Tam
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assumed office
26 June 2017
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Minister Jane Philpott
Patty Hajdu
Preceded by Gregory W. Taylor
Personal details
Born 1965 (age 57–58)
British Hong Kong
Alma mater University of Nottingham (MBBS)
Occupation Physician

Dr. Theresa Tam was appointed in June 2017 by Canadian Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott to head the Public Health Agency of Canada
Tam was acting chief public health officer since the retirement of Dr. Gregory Taylor in December 2016.
Tam, a pediatric infectious disease specialist, held a number of leadership positions at PHAC such as assistant deputy minister of infectious disease prevention and control.[1]
Tam said the opioid crisis, which cost over 2500 lives in Canada in 2016, could be higher than 3000 in 2017 if the current trend continues. “This far surpasses the number of motor-vehicle fatalities.” She said over-prescription of opioids contributed to this.[2]
Categories: Living peopleCanadian pediatricians

This page was last edited on 29 April 2019, at 23:31 (UTC).

I have been told that no one can edit a wayback machine capture of an article. However I think is is possible for one of the 36 wikipedia editors to edit one of their previous articles. So I don’t doubt that you read what you said you did. I just wish that you had made a screen shot of it. Your comment motivated me to look into who funds wikipedia. They state that their editors work on a volunteer basis so they would not need much funding, right? Here are the billionaires who fund Wikipedia.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Sloan Foundation (Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.)
Posted 7 years ago under Uncategorized

Founder of the Sloan Foundation and former CEO of General Motors Corporation, Alfred P. Sloan Jr. helped GM grow from the 1920s through the 1930s, and then assisted Adolf Hitler and the Nazis of World War II with the “machinery” for invading Russia and defeating Poland. Precisely the same way IBM provided key technology to the Nazi war machine, Sloan and GM provided factory technology for building assault vehicles. A eugenicist and hater of blacks and Jews, just like Hitler, this General Motors Chairperson wore the disguise of “philanthropist” – all while across the Atlantic, Hitler claimed to “love” children (so much that he experimented on their brains and killed them). Alfred P. Sloan Jr., ironically died at his very Sloan Memorial Cancer Center in February of 1966. His own facility and medical institution could not save the Nazi collaborator from his massive heart attack. (1) (2)

Plus, just as Hitler controlled certain film industry creations and releases that supported his propaganda and psychotic eugenics plan of mass genocide, the Sloan Foundation is very heavily involved in propaganda films to support the same, even though the Sloan method of killing is slow and methodical, it’s still genocide to give millions of people cancer and then pretend to treat them for it at a “Memorial” center, where most of them will end up dying from vaccines, cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, hospital bacteria and viruses, nutritional deficiencies, or all of the above. By only producing, directing and overseeing (with Sloan appointed scientists) films that fit the population reduction agenda, Sloan’s “prestigious society” and elitists can try to create a world mindset or “consensus” that they are right, and that anyone who is not of the “Master Race” should be eliminated, as they are a financial “burden to the state.” In other words, the only scientific films coming out of festivals like Sundance and Tribeca are films that support eating chemical and pesticide-laden food (GMO), taking all the vaccines the WHO and CDC recommend, and then applying allopathic chemical prescription medications for dealing with the symptoms of chronic disorders and diseases.

The Nazi and Sloan propaganda film industry for promoting eugenics and twisted “science”
In order to convince hundreds of millions of Americans that institutions like Sloan Kettering can help people with cancer, the Sloan Foundation has infiltrated the independent film industry, (5) offering financial “prizes” to the creators of films who express “science” the Nazi way. If any film doesn’t support genocide of the “inferior” people, then it is simply shot down and denied funding, or changed per the shill scientists appointed to direct the films. These propaganda-supporting festivals are very important to mind control of the population, just as revealed in the recent film “Inglourious Basterds” – Starring Brad Pitt (2009). The following list are the main culprits of this type of propaganda currently being funded in the name of science and/or technology:
• Sundance Film Festival
• Tribeca Film Festival
• San Francisco Film Society
• NYU film school
• UCLA film school
• Black List
• Columbia film school
• Carnegie Mellon film school
The films promoted and propagated by these “independent” film festivals do not provide answers “to the problems of the world,” but rather promote vaccines, synthetic biology, genetic engineering of our food, and everything that drives humans to cancer centers for treatment. In fact, there was hardly a case of cancer in the U.S. one century ago, now one in every two American males will fight it, and one in every three females, at some point in their lives, and half of those people will not survive. This is genocide, it’s just not happening in gas chambers, but rather “institutions.” (20)

Sloan’s Agenda and Propaganda-Spreading Website
Today, the Sloan Kettering Institute runs nine eugenics programs, including cancer biology and genetics, chemical biology, molecular pharmacology, and computational biology. Under the leadership of Joan Massagué, SKI research staff includes over 100 lab investigators, a few hundred “research fellows,” and graduate students with PhDs and MDs. They also boast about their National Academy of Sciences members. The Sloan Institute collaborates with Cornell University abnd with the Rockefeller University, as they are all “close neighbors” on Manhattan’s Upper East Side in their “War against the Weak.” (19)
In 2006, Memorial Sloan Kettering doubled in size of its research capabilities. They’ll “treat” any kind of cancer, even the “most common and the rarest,” and they take a “team approach” to the children they take into the eugenics facilities. Their mission is to make sure your child remains “emotionally and psychologically healthy” during their treatment (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy) and they reassure their website viewers that clinical trials are always voluntary and you may “withdraw at any time, for any reason.” Sloan Foundation garners constant support from other US institutions that wage a FAKE WAR on CANCER, namely NCS, the National Cancer Institute, NIH, the National Institute of Health, and WHO, the World Health Organization.
As reported by the Health Ranger recently, most Americans believe the Third Reich was defeated in WWII, but it simply moved to America under new guise, and now instead of using bombs and tanks to dominate the world, the new regime uses non-profit front groups, the pharma medical system, academia, science, chemical agriculture, and only carefully selected propaganda films to perpetuate their depopulation and eugenics agenda. Alfred P. Sloan may be long dead, but his desire to dominate the world with twisted science lives on today through the Sloan Foundation and its insidious infiltration of the independent film industry. (18) (21)

Omidyar Network

Dr. Shiva Exposes DHS

Dr. Shiva makes the point that the timing of the release of the truth is more important as the truth itself.

Stanton Foundation Frank Stanton was the president of CBS which promotes the controller’s narrative. His foundation has donated millions to help dogs. I couldn’t find articles that were didn’t paint a positive picture of him or his foundation.

Arcadia No information

Richard Lounsbery Foundation Today, the Richard Lounsbery Foundation is a philanthropic organization which supports novel research projects, science education, and key scientific policy issues through seed money or partial support. It distributes a total of about $2.5 million each year, mostly in grants of $25,000–$100,000. The foundation takes a special interest in cooperative activities between French and American scholars.[3]

Open Society Institute (George Soros founder)
 I covered this institute in this post.

Again I find that an organization that claims to have some noble propose actually does the total opposite. In all matters of any real importance Wikipedia follows the guidelines set out by the foundations that fund it. So it’s just another source of misinformation meant to cause division, fear and to keep the controllers in control and increase their profits. I advise you to find other sources like and use a browser like duckduckgo rather that googlechrome.


Wow! Thanks for all your great research. Of course I kick myself that I didn’t take a screen-shot of the old Wikipedia bio for Tam, but I never dreamed that they would change her bio. I’m reassured that my friend also read the same thing. I’ve been told by more “techy” friends that someone with access to the source code could edit the Wayback machine.
All I can tell you is that Paediatrics is an emotionally difficult specialty to go into (like oncology). People do it because they love children. So it makes no sense that someone would complete their training and then immediately take a government admin job where they would not be interacting with kids.
I also have never heard of a fellowship in “Paediatric Immunology” and could not find any information about it at UBC.
It would be great if a doctor from the UK could check to see if there are records of “Dr. Tam” at the medical school she supposedly went to.

Thanks for all your great research!


Tam is rumored to be trans as well. If true she probably will try to go male to hide in plain sight when tribunals go for those who did this to us all. This winter we will see hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by the jabs as they start grid shut down roll outs over the winter to cause people to get sick. Canada has had a COUP. Just saying.


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